Saturday, January 15, 2011

Packin' partay, bay-bee!!!

The time is drawing near.  We are leaving for Uganda again next week, on January 21st.  So, this definitely calls for a packing party today!  In exchange for having worked this past Tuesday night, I am off work today until 8pm.  A Saturday where our entire family is home and I am not working?  Can't remember the last time.  What better way to spend it than getting prepared for travel a whole six days in advance!   Here is our living room now:

To the friends who contributed to an awesome chain saw for our friends at Good Shepherd's Fold- THANK YOU!  Here are the fruits of your generosity:

Can you see all of the spare parts, case, and toolbox?  The owner of the ACE Hardware on Randleman Rd was extremely gracious.  After finding out that the Stihl chain saw that would work best at GSF happened to be on sale, Nate was very excited, and things only went up from there.  The ACE-man started giving him replacement part after replacement part, to which Nate responded by saying 'Whoa, I only have $620 to spend!'  to which ACE-man said not to worry.  The grand total was just under $800, and ACE-man covered the difference.  And there are spare parts to cover everything on the machine that could possibly break.  A few times over.

Yes, it is all in that very suitcase.  And in case there are any blog stalkers airline workers out there anticipating a 5-finger-discount by intercepting this baggage on it's merry way, I will tell you them now to Get Back, Jack!  Each piece is itemized and photographed for the purpose of filing a claim with the airlines if necessary.  But the safe transport of this precious cargo could still use your prayers more than anything we could possibly do for security measures.

Some of the other items pictured?  Bunco supplies and prizes for the lovely staff ladies at GSF, school supplies for the kids, clothes and shoes for adults and children alike, many gummy vits donated for the kids, and paper for the housemoms at GSF to make the pretty paper bead jewelry.  What is missing?  Clothes and food that Nate, Kim and Maren will use while we are there.  Those items are for the carry on bags, folks.  I'm pretty sure in his sleep that I heard Nate say he wouldn't mind wearing the same pair of underwear each day in Africa, so maybe I'll put some of my things in his carry on as well! 

A day well spent.  Next to actually being present at GSF and seeing Patricia again, I can't imagine anything better than spending a day packing and purchasing items that will light up faces halfway around the globe.



  1. yay!!! Ace hardware on Randleman always takes care of us also! They are great!!

  2. That is wonderful that Ace Hardware did that. How awesome! I can't wait to meet Patricia next month and hear her British accent. Perhaps she will show me her wound,lol! :) Have a safe trip. I will be thinking about you guys.
